Whitepaper Make a Smooth SQL Migration to Microsoft Azure
By Insight Editor / 12 Sep 2017
By Insight Editor / 12 Sep 2017
The cloud holds enormous potential, but that potential can only be realized if your supporting cloud-based resources are set up properly. In this whitepaper from Redmond, you’ll learn how to navigate a smooth migration from SQL Server® to the Microsoft® Azure® cloud.
Gain valuable insights and knowledge by accessing the whitepaper today.
A database may not behave the same in Azure SQL as it does in SQL Server.
Addressing challenges up front is the key to a successful migration.
Insight has helped customers with Azure SQL migrations since 2014.
Enterprise database architecture and technology innovation leaders will find value in the whitepaper, as will cloud service providers.
Explore different options for how you can make a smooth SQL migration to Microsoft Azure with expertise that address potential pitfalls.
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