On-demand webinar The Impact of PCI DSS v4.0.
By Insight Editor / 1 Aug 2022 / Topics: Compliance Data protection Cybersecurity
By Insight Editor / 1 Aug 2022 / Topics: Compliance Data protection Cybersecurity
In this webcast, Insight Payment Card Industry (PCI) pros discuss how to keep up with the changes in the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS), options to help you establish risk-based controls for your organization, the new customized assessment option and Insight’s role as a partner in helping you adopt technologies to help you stay compliant and secure.
Sr. Security Solutions Principal, Insight
Scott has more than 30 years of practical hands-on and managerial experience in information technology, the last 20 focused exclusively on information security. This experience, coupled with a combination of technical skills in programming, systems administration and information security operations, gives him a unique perspective in information security.
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