Microsoft Project

Adopt the project management software that helps you deliver successful outcomes.

Let’s do big things together.

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Screenshot of Microsoft Project templates

Collaborate seamlessly.

Now it's easy to enable project management and collaboration from virtually anywhere. Microsoft provides tools for project managers, project teams and decision-makers.

Microsoft Project is the only management system designed to work seamlessly with other Microsoft applications and cloud services. It will help you:

  • Optimize resources.
  • Centralize your work.
  • Refine strategies.
Microsoft Project portfolio management screenshot

View every detail.

Project portfolio management software helps you strategically evaluate and optimize your projects.

You'll see how resources are used and be able to collaborate with your team through integrated tools. Simplified task and time management provide heightened executive oversight and let you enter updates from anywhere.

Project Office 365 screenshot

Control your project outcome.

Optimizing your project plans delivers better results. Microsoft Project Online provides robust tools for tasks, resource assignments and scheduling. And, seamless integration with collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams™ and Yammer® encourages teamwork.

Built-in reports and business intelligence tools help you visualize data to gain insights across projects, programs and portfolios. Make more informed decisions with Microsoft Project Online.